Upsize Your Super


Upsize Your Super

How to upsize your Super with a downsizer contribution.

If you’re thinking of selling your home, using some of the proceeds to boost your super might be an attractive option.

If you’re like many people, you’ve likely built-up equity in your family home. The good news is that you may be able to use some of your home equity to boost your super and help fund your life in retirement. Government concessions make it easier and more tax effective to add to your super in this way.

We step through the government incentives, things to consider and opportunities for your retirement planning by addressing these key points:

  • How downsizer contributions to super work
  • Why consider a downsizer contribution
  • What properties are eligible for the downsizer contribution
  • What to do to take advantage of the downsizer contribution
  • When you are ready to consider downsizing.

To read the full summary, click here

If you would like further information regarding any of the above, be sure to get in contact.

Until next time, 

Regards Rodney. 


Rodney Johnstone CFP BBus, DipFP, GradDipAppFin 

Authorised Representative of Count Financial Limited

Financial Adviser,  FPW Financial Advice Pty Ltd 

General Advice Disclaimer


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