
If you are starting your investment journey or looking to grow, FPW Financial Advice is your go to Financial Planning firm. With the experience and know how, our primary aim is to take away any financial stress from your current position by giving you considered options on how you can move forward. 


We make things clearer and more consistent allowing you certainty in your decisions and actions in relation to any financial matter. Rodney can advise you on any of life’s hiccups and curve balls as they relate to your need to make decisions that can impact your future financial position. 

Rodney uses his knowledge to improve a person’s or a couple’s situation so that they use their money more efficiently to reach their goals sooner – or at least head them in the right direction. Rodney is a great general practitioner who helps people from all walks of life and in varying financial situations by making realistic changes now.  

FPW Financial Advice utilises other professional organisations to assist where needed, but more issues can and will be resolved or enhanced by relatively simple changes that use the available rules and strategies to optimum effect. 

We don’t like to see funds wasted or diminished by unnecessary costs or poor approaches to use of money due to a lack of knowledge. Our clients often need advice and coaching to make better financial decisions. FPW Financial Advice is an ear to hear your concerns and fears. We give you the opportunity to bounce your ideas and offer understanding with your position in navigating your financial life.  

Simply, we care, we listen, and we help. 

A bit of background on FPW Financial Advice

FPW Financial Advice is named so because of my family heritage in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne. My mother’s side of the family are all from the city and dad’s side from country Victoria. The FPW stands for ‘Fraser, Powell and Williams’, families from my mother’s background. 

The Frasers, Powells and Williams were caring and considerate people. They were also practical and had expertise in their chosen fields. These were people that were all about participating in the community and giving back where it was possible. 

Having run my own business for 12 years before joining a partnership for 6 years, going back to my own business in 2021 feels like coming home. And coming home will allow myself and Karen to provide caring and considered services to all our clients. 

Director Rodney Johnstone has been involved in the Financial Planning industry since 1987 and providing financial advice to clients directly since 1999. During this time Rodney has experienced the 1987 share market crash the global financial crisis and several other recessions as well as the tech bubble and many other bull markets. 

The ups and downs of markets can be a scary ride at times but with guidance you can get through each phase with minimal impact. 

It is with Rodney’s wealth of advice experience and strategy knowledge that there are not too many things that surprise him when it comes to a person’s financial situation. Consistency and certainty are what most people are striving for in their wealth accumulation journey to a smooth and relaxing retirement.  

Life happens along the way and advice is always close at hand. 

Rodney Johnstone

Rodney Johnstone has been helping people with their financial advice and implementation of advice for over 20 years. With a Bachelor of Business, Diploma of Financial Planning and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance, Rodney has the knowledge, experience and know how to assist you on your financial journey. 

Rodney is constantly expanding his knowledge and experience by undertaking professional development and courses in:  

  •  Listed Securities 
  • Margin Lending 
  • Self-Managed Super Funds 
  • Aged Care & Accommodation  
  • FASEA examination 


Growing up in a tight knit family, Rodney and his siblings were given the best of everything possible within their means and accessed opportunities that were present. But with some advice and guidance, Rodney’s parents may have had an easier path into and a better retirement. It is with that at the forefront of his mind that Rodney wants to ensure that whoever he looks after with advice and strategy that they have an easier financial path and better retirement prospects. 

Rodney is a family man, sports enthusiast, Western Bulldogs club member, hockey player, husband to Karen and father to adult son, Joshua. Rodney and his family enjoy good food, great company, and good times. They are passionate about helping and community, Rodney’s values are based in making our environment, our clubs, and our community better with care and a bit of effort to make things happen.  

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