Psychologically preparing for retirement

Psychologically prepare for retirement

Four ways to psychologically prepare for retirement – before you leave work.

Retirement can feel like a shockwave, particularly if life’s circumstances or a redundancy means that you don’t get to choose the timing. We outline below how to set up healthy habits and structures now and set out why having a financial adviser can help smooth your transition.

Getting psychologically ready for retirement means we must face up to what we lose: the steady pay cheque, status, collegiate relationships and a highly structured week. We need to proactively replace these losses with new gains, such as pleasurable activities and relationships that give us meaning and purpose. Here are four ways to prepare:

  • Dial down your work hours
  • Dial up your non-work activities
  • Dial up your social life
  • Plan your finances.

Click here to read more about the points mentioned above and how they may relate to your current or future situation.

If you’re planning to retire in the next five years, talk to us about how to put in place plans to set you up for financial, social and psychological success in retirement.

Until next time, 

Regards Rodney. 


Rodney Johnstone CFP BBus, DipFP, GradDipAppFin 

Authorised Representative of Count Financial Limited

Financial Adviser,  FPW Financial Advice Pty Ltd 

General Advice Disclaimer


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